A program that helps amputees in Canada is 100 years old.
The War Amps program was created in 1918 by veterans of the First World War who had lost limbs.
It was to help them reintegrate back into society.
Now the programs helps, not only veterans, but all amputees.
“The servicemen wanted to continue giving back to Canada, so they started the War Amps key tag service in 1946,” explains Public Affairs Officer Jamie Lunn. “Canadians receive their War Amps key tags in the mail each spring, and they attach them to their keys. They act as a safe guard. If they are lost, it makes it easier to ensure they are returned to you.”
Lunn says they rely on their key tag program for funds.
“A lot of our funds come from the War Amps key tag services. This is how we’re able to run all of our programs for amputees because we receive no government grants.”