Public sector wages the next focus of attention for the provincial government.
Treasury Board president Peter Bethlenfalvy says he wants to her from front line workers and their unions on how to manage their salaries with the goals of future wage settlements being modest, reasonable and sustainable.
“We’re going with this in good faith it with a genuine interest to working together and a consultation of way,” says Bethlenfalvy.
Public sector compensation now accounts for about half of all government expenditures.
More than one million public sector workers earned a combined $73-billion.
Bethlenfalvy says all options will be on the table, including a legislated measures, but there’s not specific targets where he’d like for the public sector.
“We’re going into these discussions and consultations with an open mind. We really do want to hear the best ideas. Compensation is complex but as I said we want a moderate wage growth in a way but we want to do it in a way that’s, I’m gonna repeat it, modest and reasonable and sustainable.”
Bethlenfalvy says he’ll start the consultations Monday lasting for six weeks.