OPP say they’re working on a strategy to curb incidents of shoplifting in Fort Frances.
Area business owners say the crime is on the rise.
One owner says he incurred losses exceeding $22-thousand last year.
Speaking to the Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce, Constable Joe Machura says the OPP’s approach is the implementation of a community mobilization plan.
“We’ve delegated two specific OPP officers and they’re going to work collectively with those businesses in reducing the percentage of a chance of people being able to walk in and walk out with their merchandise without shoplifting,” says Machura.
Machura says they’ve also increased foot patrol along Scott Street and the surrounding area
They also encouraging the use of video cameras police could access in the search for would-be thieves.
“We’re going to approach businesses within the downtown core and which businesses actually have video cameras inside their businesses as well as on the exterior of the businesses,” says Machura. “If there is a crime committed in that general area, we’ll have a database that our detachment that provides us with the information of this business has outdoor cameras. The crime may not have happened inside the business but it may have happened right outside of the business. That’ll speed up the efficiencies of catching people that are committing these crimes.”
Machura estimates one of every 10 items leaving a local store is one that’s been taken illegally.