The Ontario Health Coalition is vowing to keep up the fight to protect the local health care system.
A “Health Action Day” was held in several communities on Tuesday with more than 150,000 nurses, doctors, allied health professionals, support workers, patient advocates and patient groups wearing stickers warning about health care privatization.
Leaflets were also distributed.
“(They’re) are all unified in our deep concern that the Ford government intends unprecedented health care privatization, cuts, mega-mergers and upheaval in the public health care system,” says the Coalition’s Executive Director Natalie Mehra.
Mehra claims the Ford government has rammed a radical new health care restructuring law through the legislature while voting down amendments that would have protected hospitals from closing and keeping the health care system in public hands
Mehra adds the government is now cutting half a billion dollars from OHIP services and privatizing land and air ambulance services.
She says the PC’s are imposing funding constraints on hospitals, starting the process of mega-mergers and moving services out of smaller communities.