There’s a call for people to be fined for calling 911 to complain about the Amber Alert system.
Dalia Monacelli started a petition last week which she plans to forward to Premier Doug Ford and Attorney General Doug Downey to consider.
Monacelli is dismayed by people’s complaints about the alerts.
“It’s kind of outrageous that people would make the line busy with frivolous complaints and maybe even taking time away from actual emergencies,” says Monacelli.
The petition on is now approacheing the 100-thousand mark since it went up.
She’s encouraged by the reaction from some government members including from the Premier.
“I know Doug Ford was asked about it. He said he was gonna look into it. I know Sylvia Jones said that she also kind of agrees with me and I’m sure there’s going to be many of them to come.”
Over 100-thousand people have so far signed the petition.