The Ontario government is hoping to have proposed regulations around a new blue box program ready for consultation by mid-fall.
The province is working toward transitioning the program to producers to administer.
Environment Minister Jeff Yurick expects the necessary legislation will be in place by the new year.
Yurick says the changes will also mean every community in the province will have some form of blue box or collection program.
“I’d be very much disappointed if those regulations aren’t ready to go by the end of this year so that we can move forward,” says Yurick.
The goal is to have municipal programs starting to be transferred over in 2023 and completed by 2026.
Yurick is also hoping to see an expansion of service into communities and First Nations currently without blue box pickup.
“Whether it’s depot system, whatever the producers can come up (with). We want to expand the accessibility of recycling with a consistent product that will be picked up across the province so that we can have the highest diversion rates in North America.”
Yurick says any existing program will continue uninterrupted.