I always ask a “Wake Up Borderland” Question of the Day on our 93.1 The Border Facebook page.
The mid-week question is “Would You Rather Wednesday”.
Here is the question I posed to our listeners on January, 4th 2023…
Aside from the usual answers we receive on social media, I was also sent this email…
“Hey Johnathan,
My name is Robert Kinsman and I teach an intermediate class at Sturgeon Creek School. This term, we have been looking at your “question of the day” to analyze paragraph responses and structure our ideas, and build supporting opinions.
Here are some of the student’s responses to today’s question”…
This was a hard question to answer but after I thought long and hard I decided
calling is better than texting or emailing in my opinion. For instance, it allows you to
have a conversation very easily, so you don’t have to rush your texting and end up
spelling things wrong. Also, if you think about it there is spell check which can
sometimes be helpful but most of the time it just changes all the words you spell
and if you don’t have to text ever again you don’t have to worry about it. Finally,
sometimes you can text someone and they don’t see it till later that night but if you
call usually phones will ring and they will hear it. This is why I would usually prefer
calling over texting.
– Jessica
Most people probably choose calling but I believe that texting would
be way more efficient. I don’t call many people, only my friends and if I
call my parents or siblings, half the time they don’t pick up because
their ringer is off. A number of phones and tablets have the feature
text to speech, and if you are not a good typer, like me, it is a real
lifesaver but I don’t know if that counts. Calling uses more data which
means you can’t send a text without it taking ages to deliver. Calling
can also get very annoying. Getting a call every ten minutes from your
sibling telling you to do the dishes or your parents telling you to get off
your phone “like I can’t get off my phone when you’re calling me”.
What is very annoying is when you are on a call and you have to go
and they keep the conversation going on and on. So picking texting it
will probably make your life way easier.
– Jaida
If I had to only communicate by emailing and texting, or only using a phone call, phone
calls would probably be the better option. The main reason for this is, messages would
be more clear, for example, your tone of voice could make the message easier for the
other person to understand. Another reason is that you could hear and quickly
understand what the other person is saying, instead of someone taking time to type,
and the other taking time to read the message. In conclusion, phone calls would be a
much faster and easier way to communicate.
– Nick
I would rather only use emailing and texting rather than only using phone
calls. The first reason is you can send a text message and leave your phone
and come back to it when the other person responded, but if you have to
have a phone call you have to carry your phone everywhere with you until
the the call is over. If you only have a small question it is a lot easier to text
it to someone rather than have to call them for it. People sometimes won’t
pick up their phones if you call them so you have to call them over and over
which will waste your time but if you are texting you can just leave them a
text message and go back to what you are doing. Texting sounds a lot
easier than phone calls.
– Hailey
Personally, I would rather only communicate by phone calls instead of only
emailing or texting. First off, you don’t have to waste your time texting. And
when you are calling you can show your emotion much better than over
text. Also talking on the phone is a better way to connect with your friends
and family than over a text message. I also don’t really see the point of
using an email or a text to communicate. To me, the option of calling to
communicate is the better choice.
– Brayden
If I had to choose between only texting and emailing or only phone calls, I would
personally choose to text and email. First of all, when you are texting or emailing
someone you don’t have to provide any emotion. As for in a phone conversation, you
would have to sound the emotion you are feeling (happy, sad, mad, etc…). Secondly, If
you already have the contact information for that person, you don’t have to go through a
phone book to find their phone number. Last of all, tons of people can text you back fast
and you can see if they have seen your message in the event of an emergency. For all
the reasons I provided, I would choose email and text over the use of phone calls.
– Addyson
Personally, I would rather use only phone calls to communicate
with others than only texting. Firstly it is very easy to express
emotion on a phone call, while when texting the use of emojis is
needed. I also believe that talking on the phone is a way to be
better connected to your peers than just sending a text message.
I really just don’t see why emails and texting would even cross
anyone’s mind when answering this question.
– Zander
I would rather call than text to communicate with people. I find it easier
just to talk things out than text, I make a lot of spelling errors when I
type but if I called, I would avoid those minor spelling mistakes. Some
people don’t answer texts so you have to call them to get their
attention quicker. Many people don’t have time to text like me, I’m
always doing something. So I would choose to call to communicate in
my opinion.
– Francis
When given the choice of only using emailing and texting to communicate or only use
phone calls, I would choose the phone call option. In my opinion, I think calling people
is much easier than texting due to the fact that while texting you have to type out what
you are trying to say and half the time you forget punctuation or use a short form for
words such as the letter “u” for the word “you” or the letters “bc” for the word “because”
making it hard to read. Also, I find that when you are texting it is much harder to
explain something than to just call the person and explain it, causing no complications
for the other person . In addition, when you call people you can hear their voice and
their emotions. Although texting may be much more effective when you have little things
to say to a person such as “Hey” or “Where are you”, therefore I personally think calling
is a better option than texting or emailing.
– Sydney
I would rather only use texts & emails, rather than calling. Texting and emailing provide more options, for example, emails can be more formal while texting is more casual . In the realm of texts and emails, there tends to be less human interaction. This is desirable for most young people. Sadly, I cannot text with friends when gaming since my fingers are preoccupied on the controller.
I appreciate all of the insightful answers from the students!