A Thunder Bay-based exploration company doing work in the Rainy River District is receiving some help from the province.
Kesselrun Resources is receiving $200 thousand from the government’s junior exploration program to assist with exploration activities at its Bluffpoint Gold project, 50 kilometres northeast of New Gold’s Rainy River Mine.
The company is doing geophysical and geological surveys.
“We are very pleased to have been selected as a recipient of OJEP funding in 2023. This funding is vital to supporting grassroots exploration of mineral projects throughout Ontario. The OJEP funding shall offset the exploration costs at our Bluffpoint Gold Project,” says Company president Michael Thompson.
Crews are scheduled to complete the studies this fall.
The results will identify areas for more targeted exploration next year.
“We know that the continued prosperity of Ontario’s mining sector depends on early exploration to discover the mines of the future,” states George Pirie, Minister of Mines, in a release. “Supporting junior mining companies like Kesselrun Resources creates meaningful economic opportunities in northern and Indigenous communities, which will improve global competitiveness and demonstrate that Ontario’s mining sector is thriving.”