CN is facing the threat of another strike.
This time by its clerical, customer service and mechanics represented by Unifor.
The union says members of Council 4000, which represents over 3,300 workers in customer service, clerical roles and mechanical operations, voted 97% in favour of strike action to back contract demands.
Local 100, representing approximately 2,100 workers, including mechanics and heavy equipment operators, voted 96% in favour.
“This overwhelming vote sends a clear message to CN that our members are united and prepared to take action to achieve the fair treatment and respect they deserve,” states Unifor National President Lana Payne in a release.
“Our members have had enough of concessions that erode their rights and livelihoods and they are standing strong to demand a contract that reflects their value and the critical role they play in CN’s success.”
Job security, wages and improved working conditions are some of the key issues on the table.
Negotiations have resumed in Montreal and are scheduled to continue until December 8th.
The union says workers are prepared to walk off the job if a deal is not reached by the end of the year.
CN was hit by a one-day strike by the Teamsters Union in August that ended with back-to-work legislation and binding arbitration.