The Ontario Green Party has rolled out its full election promises.
The Greens are the first party to do so.It is entitled ‘Our Plan for Fairness and includes tax cuts for middle and low-income earners, a $20 an hour minimum wage and a basic income program.
“The Ontario Greens Platform is fighting for a fair future for all of us,” says Green Party leader Mike Schreiner.
“Our plan addresses the fairness that we need to build affordable homes and protect renters, to bring fairness back to our health care and education systems, to protect the prime farmland that feeds us and lower your energy bills and reduce climate pollution.”
Greens also promise to build 2 million homes using a range of housing types, reduce energy bills by providing a free heat pump for households with incomes under $100,000, and increase funding for rural hospitals.
Ontario Liberal leader Bonnie Crombie continued to promote her healthcare platform with promises to increase the pay of nurses and personal support workers and funding to fix up aging hospitals.
She says it is to halt hallway healthcare.
“I have a plan. I’m a different kind of leader. I have a different kind of commitment I’m making to solve this health care crisis that exists in Ontario today,” says Crombie.
PC leader Doug Ford continued his visit to Washington to talk trade.
He feels the message aimed at avoiding trade tariffs is getting through to U.S. President Donald Trump despite not having the chance to meet with him directly.
“He knows we’re here. I’ve been told. So yes, the message is getting through, especially on the subcommittees,” says Ford.
“And the more we communicate to the American people, the more they go to their representatives, the senators or congresspeople or governors, and the word gets out.”
NDP leader Marit Stiles made no public appearances or campaign announcements on Wednesday.
The provincial election takes place in 15 days.