A lot of people are talking about the importance of taking care of our mental health right now.
It’s especially important to reach out during the times that we are currently living through.
I want to provide you with a bit of information and contact details for a few local organizations who are there to help if you feel like you need it.
I am not ashamed to say that I struggle with mental health issues myself. I take medication daily and I talk with a mental health professional regularly.
You’re not alone.
Tribal Area Health Services
Their Behavioural Health Services group offers mental health counselling services.
It could be something brief or on-going one to one sessions, for individuals, couples or families.
Some of the mental health areas they specialize in include…
Grief & loss, relationship struggles, codependency, anger management, care-giving struggles, and trauma & abuse.
Call them at 807-274-2042 or visit them online at http://fftahs.com
Canadian Mental Health Association
They facilitates provide access to the resources people in our area require to maintain and improve their mental health and their integration into the community. They help to build resilience, and support recovery from mental illness.
Some of their Key Values and Principles include…
Embracing the voice of people with mental health issues
Promoting inclusion
Working collaboratively
Influencing the social determinants of health (e.g. housing, justice)
Focusing on the mental health needs of all age groups
Using evidence to inform our work
Being transparent and accountable
Call them at 807-274-2347 or visit them online at http://fortfrances.cmha.ca
Riverside Community Counselling
They provides services to people in our community, who are experiencing a variety of mental health issues
They work with individuals, couples, families, and groups.
Call them…
Fort Frances & Emo: (807) 274-4807 ext. 1
Rainy River: (807) 274-4807 ext. 3
Or visit them online at…
Thinking of suicide? Please call 1-833-456-4566 24/7 or visit http://crisisservicescanada.ca