It failed to secure funding through Tbaytel For Good, but Sunset Water Sports is getting some local help to establish an adaptive fishing program.
Co-owner Shawna McRitchie says the Fort Frances Lions Club has gifted them two thousand dollars.
“We’re very excited, very humbled. They approached us, and they thought it was a great idea,” says McRitchie.
Sunsets Water Sports’ goal is to make it easier for those with upper extremity difficulties or disabilities to go fishing.
The program would be made available throughout northwestern Ontario.
ffishingfiMcRitchie notes much of the equipment is only available from suppliers in the U.S. and is very expensive.
“Some of it is specialty equipment that we have to order through the States and some of its online. So once we get that, we’ll be getting people out. Hopefully this season, but if not, next season.”