New welcome packages for visiting physicians will be created in Fort Frances.
Each will include town merchandise and a 10-day pass to the Memorial Sports Centre.
Councillor Wendy Brunetta says they will go to physicians doing their residency in the community and locums providing emergency room coverage at LaVerendrye General Hospital.
“It doesn’t necessarily mean they’re going to be permanent doctors here, but the committee saw it as a way to promote our community, as well as make it more attractive to people. So, they may say, hey, you know what? I think I might like to live there,” says Brunetta.
A total of 30 packages will be distributed each year by the area’s physician recruitment and retention committee.
Recreation and Culture Manager Nathan Young says they will be tracking the use of the passes.
“We’ll be tracking the sale of the package for that member that gets put into our system. We are able to pull that member’s information to see how many passes were used so that if we do decide to change that in the future, we can,” says Young.
It will cost the town just over three thousand dollars a year to put the thirty packages together.