Food drives are starting up in Fort Frances.
The Bargain! Shop has its annual Together We Care Food Drive underway to support the Salvation Army.
Spokesperson Kelsi Beare says the campaign will run through to October 10th.
“We’re collecting donations to support people in the community, and we’re taking cans and non-perishable items and donating them to the Salvation Army in town,” says Beare.
“We’re looking for anyone that can help support or donate, even cash if they would like, or they can take cans from our shelves here and donate.”
Last year’s campaign brought in over $720 worth of food items.
Family Services Coordinator Ryan Daw says with the increased demands being placed on the food bank, food drives like this one are important to keep the food bank stocked.
“We appreciate business relationships with the Bargain! Shop or any other community member that will step up,” says Daw.
“It’s a great relationship, and we are very pleased with the donations that we receive.”
Daw says non-perishable items with a long shelf life are most welcomed.
Cans with easy, open lids are also optimal.