Koochiching County is asking its state representatives to continue discussing the bridge linking Fort Frances and International Falls.
County officials say tolls continue to harm both sides of the border.
They met Tuesday with House Representative Roger Skraba and State Senator Grant Hauschild about the upcoming session of the Minnesota legislature, with the bridge put forward as one of the priorities.
County Engineer Trent Nicholson says it needs to be government-owned.
“We’ve got a sister city over there. It’s tougher and tougher to get over there for them to get over here,” says Nicholson.
“Right now it’s owned by an investment company. They’ve raised the rates for crossing significantly and it’s a hardship.”
Board Chair, Jason Sjoblom says the bridge is important to both communities.
“The biggest thing is the cross-family people. My mom was a Canadian, so I have all my family lives in Canada—all my mom’s side of the family. My dad’s side of the family lives over here. And there’s lots of families that are like that in this area,” says Sjoblom.
One county official said he spent $4,000 in tolls last year to visit a family member who was in Fort Frances hospital.
House Representative Roger Skraba was involved in a regional committee that brought together officials from both sides of the border.
He says there has not been much talk since.
Representatives from the Rainy River District have also advocated for government involvement in the bridge’s operations.