A more convenient way of paying bills for various services from Riverside Health Care.
They can now be done online.
Riverside has launched an online payment platform on its website.
Major credit and VISA debit cards are accepted.
It will also support PayPal
“This is a major step forward in enhancing accessibility of our services,” states Carla Larson, Chief Financial, Information & Technology Officer at Riverside Health Care.
“We are committed to leveraging technology to provide greater convenience and access for our patients, clients, residents and families.”
The payment option adds to existing payment methods.
Payments can also be made over the phone, by mail or in-person at the Emo Health Centre, Rainy River Health Centre, La Verendrye General Hospital or Rainycrest Long-Term Care Home.
Riverside’s bills for a range of services, including certain hospital and clinical services, long-term care, and community-based programs.
These may include ambulance services, preferred accommodation, assisted devices such as crutches and canes and in-room equipment rentals.