Green Party leader Mike Schreiner hopes to build on the momentum achieved in the last election.
The Greens elected two MPPs in 2022 and during a subsequent by-election, with a third candidate coming close in Parry Sound.
Schreiner is excited about the slate of candidates and their ability to win in other ridings in this election.
“We’re running a strong slate of candidates in every riding in this province. People who are committed to being local champions and advocates for their riding at Queen’s Park, not their leader’s voice in the riding,” says Schreiner.
The Ontario Greens are starting the campaign on strong footing, having raised two times more money than what they did a year ago.
“Ontario Greens are a people-powered party. We’re committed to putting people before profits so you can live in a more affordable province with a future you can believe in, with a government that puts you first.”
While ready to campaign driving a custom electric 2025 Chevrolet Equinox tour car, Schreiner says he would rather have seen the Legislature recalled and MPPs in their seats, working together to show U.S. President Donald Trump Ontario has strength through unity.
“But instead, Doug Ford has called an election abandoning the people of Ontario when he needs them, when people need him the most.”
The Green Party has 80 candidates in place, but Schreiner promises others to be named in the coming days.