About four dozen people turned out of the Lake of the Woods District Stewardship Association annual meeting held in Kenora this past week.
Executive Director Diane Schwartz-Williams was pleased with the turnout.
“We had about 45 in the room,” says Schwartz-Williams. “Now that included the exhibitors, but everyone was cross-pollinating, if you will, as everyone was interested in the topics, curious about the First Nation flooding claims and curious about association items.”
She adds that they have worked hard over the years making connections with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.
“We pull in their comments and make contacts. If we’re saying, ‘we have three thousand members’ or in the vicinity of…and we’re not just saying we have this many members, we’ve built some rapport.”
Schwartz-Williams adds that building on that relationship is something top of mind for the association.
“We meet with the MNRF quite regularly. They make sure that notices that are coming out go to us since they know we have a good mechanism for communicating with our members through e-news and the magazine”
A second meeting of the Lake of the Woods Stewardship Association will take place Monday in Morson.
That meeting will be held at the Morson Community Hall beginning at 1 p.m.