Some students from Fort Frances High School will be at the Fort Frances Library as well.
They will be there to collect non-perishable food items.
Spokesperson Julia McManaman says it’s all of part of a campaign called “We Scare Hunger.”
“A group of us from grades 8 to 12 are going to be going out door-to-door collecting non-perishable food items at around 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. when most kids are trick or treating. We also have some students at Trunk or Treat,” says McManaman.
Food collected is donated to local food banks.
“We’ll probably be wearing our Muskie apparel so you will know we’re from Fort Frances High School and we’ll be there with boxes and bags to carry the food items.”
The school has been successful in collecting several pounds of food since starting the campaign several years ago.